Conditions of purchase

The use of the services or the contracting of products and/or services in implies the acceptance of the following general conditions:

1. Acceptance and availability of the General Contracting Conditions.

By accepting the present Contract, the USER declares that he/she is a person of legal age and with the capacity to contract and that he/she has read and accepts the present General Conditions.

These General Conditions (from now on, "the General Conditions"), regulate the legal relationship that emanates from the contracting processes carried out between the users-customers (from now on, "the Clients") of the web site located at the url, property of Smart Dragon S.L. (hereinafter '').

The Clients accept the General Conditions from the moment they use or contract the service and/or purchase any product. This document can be printed and stored by the Customers. puts at the disposal of the Customers, the telephone number +34 611 615 989 and the e-mail address [email protected], so that they can ask any question about the present General Conditions.

2. Applicable rules

These General Conditions are subject to the provisions of Law 7/1998, of 13 April, on General Contracting Conditions; Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, approving the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws; Royal Decree 1906/1999, of 17 December 1999, which regulates Telephone or Electronic Contracting with general conditions; Organic Law 15/1999, of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data; Law 7/1996, of 15 January, on the Regulation of Retail Trade; and Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

If you reside outside Spain and by virtue of your legislation, Spanish legislation is not applicable, you cannot contract the services and/or products of

3. Modification of the General Conditions will be able to modify the present General Conditions, notifying the Clients with enough time in advance, in order to improve the services and/or products offered through the web. By means of the modification of the General Conditions exposed in the web site, it will be understood that this duty of notification has been fulfilled.

In any case, before using the services and/or contracting products, the General Conditions may be consulted.

4. Description of products and services

The products of, which are commercialized through the web or by telephone, grant the right of return in the 15 natural days following the reception of the order without any penalty, in accordance with the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16th, by which the Revised Text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users is approved and with the Law 7/1996 of Retail Trade Regulation.

We recommend that before making any type of cancellation of the order you contact us by telephone or email.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

The intellectual and industrial property rights over the works, brands, logos and any other subject of protection contained in the web page correspond exclusively to Smart Dragon S.L. unless different ownership is indicated. The unauthorised reproduction, distribution, commercialisation or transformation of such works, brands, logos, etc. constitutes an infringement of the intellectual and industrial property rights of or of the owner of the same, and may give rise to the exercise of any judicial or extrajudicial actions that may correspond to them in the exercise of their rights.

6. Use of the service and responsibilities does not guarantee the permanent availability of the services, being exonerated from any kind of responsibility for possible damages caused by the unavailability of the service due to force majeure or errors in the data transfer telematic networks, beyond its control. is not responsible for the content of the links to other web pages that are not owned by and that, therefore, cannot be controlled by The CLIENT declares that he/she is aware of the information provided by through its services.

7. Privacy and Personal Data Protection

By providing their e-mail address or other personal data, which is a necessary requirement for contracting certain services, Customers give their permission for these addresses to be processed and also used to send commercial communications for the promotion or advertising of the services and products offered by The e-mail address [email protected] and the telephone number +34 987 37 42 99 are available for Customers to revoke their consent. declares that it complies with the regulations in force regarding data protection, in particular the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13th, on Personal Data Protection, and the Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21st, by which the Regulation of Development of the mentioned Organic Law is approved. makes available to the Customers the means of contact referred to in the previous paragraph so that they can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition guaranteed by the legislation in force.

8. Notifications

All notifications, requirements, requests and other communications to be made by the Parties in relation to the present General Conditions shall be made in writing and shall be understood to have been duly made when they have been delivered by hand or sent by ordinary mail to the address or e-mail address of the other party, or to any other address or e-mail address that each party may indicate to the other party for this purpose.

9. Invalidity and ineffectiveness of Clauses

If any clause included in these General Conditions is declared totally or partially null and void or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness will only affect that provision or the part of the same that is null and void or ineffective, and the General Conditions shall remain in force in all other respects, and such provision or the part of the same that is affected shall be deemed not to have been included.

10. Jurisdiction and Applicable Law

The law applicable to this contract shall be Spanish law.

For any divergence arising from this Contract, both parties expressly submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of León, renouncing their own jurisdiction if any other.